Cow Health Milk Mirror


On March 18, a video conference was held in the conference hall of JSC Elite State Enterprise

with the participation of a leading FOSS dairy specialist

Livestock Doctor of Zootechnical Sciences Daniel Schwartz (Denmark) with

on the one hand, and the heads and specialists of LLC SHP "Tatarstan", LLC

named after Timiryazev of the Baltasinsky district, LLC SHP named after Saydashev Tukaevsky

district, SEC “Kolos” of Elabuga district, Vakhitov agricultural production complex

Kukmorsky District, Head of the State Public Institution of the State Agricultural Academy of Zaripov

R. U., General Director of JSC GPP "Elite" Zaripov F. R., his

Deputy Zakirov I. R., Chief Specialist of the Laboratory

breeding quality control of milk JSC "GPP" Elite ". Sabirova S. R, with

the other side.

D. Schwartz answered questions from heads of participating economies

pilot project for detailed analysis of feeding and cow health through

milk data. He gave recommendations on changing diets. Members

the project agreed to continue this work and attract others


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